Girls on the Run Fall 5K Saturday, Nov 16 at 9 a.m. at Lake Nokomis!


Girls on the Run is an awesome organization that I had an opportunity to volunteer with for a little while last fall as well as run as a Solemate for the Twin Cities Marathon last year. As a Solemate I ran for charity and raised money for this organization.

A brief history on the local GOTR Organization:

Girls on the Run Twin Cities was established as a 501(c)3 in July of 2011 by Mary Uran and Kori Fitschen. Mary’s background in public health and Kori’s background in sports psychology brought them together to the common mission of inspiring girls in the Twin Cities to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun,experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Girls on the Run Twin Cities has served 130 girls in its first 3 seasons and is rapidly expanding throughout the Twin Cities metro area.  (

The Girls on the Run program is a national program that offers after school running programs for young girls and trains them for a 5K run. Part of their curriculum outside of the running and physical fitness benefits is promoting positive body image, self esteem, team work, decision making, self respect and more, all things that are so crucial for young girls. I am so proud to share information on this group and hope that they can continue to build their presence in the Twin Cities and nation wide.  Girls on the Run supports girls in 3rd to 5th grade, an age that is such a critical time in developing into a young woman, but also a rough time for girls as we develop into women. It can be a huge challenge to feel comfortable in your own body as different changes start to take place both physically and emotionally.

Locally, in the Minneapolis/St Paul area, the Girls on the Run organization is running their 5k on Saturday Nov 16 at 9am at Lake Nokomis, here is an opportunity for you to get out and run for a good cause! Join me in running and cheering on the girls that will participate in this event!

Follow this link to sign up for the 5k!

Check out Girls on the Run Twin Cities on facebook at, Twitter @gotrtwincities or online at for the local chapter or for national information.

Reasons I’ve decided to Tri!


I tend to like to try new things (no pun intended…haha ok pun intended!) But my most recent endeavor is that I think I will start working towards a sprint distance triathlon, if all goes well and I dig it, which I think I will, I’d like to work towards a Half Ironman. Here are my top 10 reasons I have decided to “tri”… never gets old folks! 🙂

1. Ozzy Osbourne “Ironman” came on the radio last night after I’d been contemplating doing this, pretty sure that’s a sign

2. I have some pretty BA (bad ass) pals that have done triathlons, including Ironman’s, I admire them greatly!

3. Have you seen how cool some of the triathlon outfits are!?!?!

4. Bragging rights

5. Gives me an excuse to try the new Gu salted caramel flavor! YUM!

6. A new challenge, I’ve done Tough Mudder, ran 3 full marathons, several half marathons and other distances 5K, 7K, 10 mile, etc.

7. I tend to have a bit of an addictive personality, I feel like this is a good addiction 🙂

8. Something new to blog about!!!!

9. A new community of awesome inspirational people that I’ve found through online searches and twitter. @trijuice @usatriathlon @triathletefix @frayed_laces, and so many many more!

10.  Become stronger and change up some of the work out routines i.e. biking and swimming are things I don’t regularly do!

Any one else decided to hop on the tri train? Any tips from any seasoned triathletes out there? As your summer is wrapping up any new goals that have come up for you?

The Power of Sound


Sometimes in the run around of work and life we forget or lose sight of the little things or even the big things that we’ve just been too distracted to see or hear. This week brought that realization to me. I got to go see Mumford and Sons and it brought me back to why I love music so much. Don’t get me wrong it’s not that I ever stopped loving music, but I think I got distracted away from the true beauty and power behind it. I like to sing along to just about everything and having music going in the background, but the experience I had at the concert was so incredible: the sound, the power, the heart, the connectivity, the feeling you get from the passionate vocals- that stir of emotion that wells up in your throat tears at the corners of your eyes, my heart starts racing just thinking about it. Music can have such an impact on our mood, our memory, our experience. Think of movies you’ve watched where the soundtrack was so amazing….or not so amazing 😉 (Bumpin Jay-z in the Great Gatsby??!???!) The experience of music hit me again this afternoon as I was click clacking away on the keyboard, eyes getting blurry and ready for the weekend when Bon Jovi “livin on a prayer” came on, instantly mood is better! Energy, new life! Music can make or break your work outs as well, having a killer sound track as you’re running, lifting, squatting, whatever it may be may just get you that extra mile, or the extra edge to finish your workout strong, I love it! Love music!

I’ve mentioned some of my favorites, what’s your jam that you link to your happy place? (Bon Jovi) or stirs your emotions? (Awake My Soul, Mumford & Sons)

Take a break……

So it’s been a little while since I’ve blogged, but it’s kinda fun to be able to put your thoughts out there and get some commentary so I’m going to work on getting back at it and hopefully share some good content with the lovelies that read 🙂

When I thought about what to write and the fact that I had taken a bit of a hiatus from the blog, I thought what better than to talk about, but taking a break. This past weekend we had the opportunity to take a break. Take a break from the house, the city, the car, etc and head up about an hour and half north. It’s amazing how simple things can be but how much goodness they can provide. In taking just 2 days to read, relax, sleep in, not have to run off to teach, work or do anything was so amazing and so restorative and just so needed! There is a section in the book “Journey to the Heart” that tells us to love ourselves enough to let your body relax. I love it! In the hustle and bustle of our work, play, social lives, obligations etc we sometimes forget to give ourselves some time to restore. I found a great site today that gives some amazing tips on loving yourself!

Today I am getting treated to a facial for FREE! Yay, that’s some nice self love ❤

What will you do today to give your self some love? How can you incorporate a little self loving behavior into each and every day?
